Software tools and training to improve productivity for safety critical and security critical software development
The secret to high-quality, secure code starts with understanding. Begin your journey to better code with SciTools Understand, now for just € 99/month*
* when purchased for a minimum pre-paid subscription term of 24 months

A Deep Understanding…
Emenda has a long history of working with verification and validation (V&V) requirements for safety-critical embedded systems, including certification for Functional Safety (FuSa) Standards, such as: DO-178C (DO-178B), IEC 61508, ISO 26262, IEC 62304 and EN 50128.
Similar techniques and approaches are also applicable for security standards – such as the new ISO 21434 for Automotive Cybersecurity – and mission-critical software development in general.
That’s why, today, Emenda helps customers to leverage modern SDLC tools and techniques to automate code quality and security compliance as part of their DevOps Automation and CI/CD Pipelines; enabling developers to focus on features and functionality.
Architectural Visualisation
Visualise code architecture, perform dependency analysis and prevent architectural erosion
Software Metrics
Measure quality, maintainability and testability of software projects, using software metrics, including the HIS metrics
Defect Detection
Shift-left detection and remediation of coding errors and security vulnerabilities using static analysis
Coding Standards Enforcement
Demonstrate compliance to coding standards, including MISRA, CERT and AUTOSAR C++14, as well as custom coding guidelines and rules
Application Security
Enforce software security through developer learning, Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
OSS Risk Management
Generate Open Source Software (OSS) Bill of Materials (BoM), license compliance reports and security vulnerability reports
Trusted by developers worldwide