Improve your Software Development with Emenda´s Tool Suite
Emenda aims to provide a set of tools to aid software development in several key areas. Providing developers with in-depth and quickly accessible knowledge of source code. Highlight critical software defects, security breaches or the application of common coding standards.
Get an understanding and graphical representation of a project’s code and the relationships between entities.
Understand can quickly display the details of any object or type. View raw details of where a variable is referenced or generate a dependency graph for a specific module component.
Supported languages: C/C++, Java, Python, C#, Ada, Fortran, Pascal/Delphi, Jovial, VHDL, Verilog, Assembly, Visual Basic[.net], web languages ( .PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Typescript and XML ).

Manage software architecture by generating a system dependency model.
Lattix‘s DSM (Design Structure Matrix) approach makes it possible to visualise and analyse the dependencies between the components of a software system, helping to identify and manage complexity in order to improve code quality and maintainability.
Identify dependency problems or configure virtual architectures to optimise dependencies between components.
Languages supported: Java, C/C++, C# (.NET), Python, Ada, PL/SQL (Oracle, SQL Server), JavaScript, TypeScript.